What the world needs now is for more people to come alive!
In Oriah Mountain Dreamer’s poem, “The Invitation”, she writes “It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive…”
Some of the most alive people I know are those who have chosen the fields of public health and healthcare to make a difference in the world. They are compelled by strong values, a sense of their life’s purpose, and vision for how a better world looks.
Over time, many of these people have been beaten down by a public health system that is difficult to navigate and nearly impossible to innovate and create within. They often forget their guiding principles (values), purpose, and vision. Or, at the very least, they become cynical about their capacity to affect change. As a result, they find themselves settling for the status quo, focusing on looking for a new job that they think will make them feel better, or simply burned out and lacking energy to find a way forward.
As a leadership coach for public health professionals, I see this scenario repeated time and time again. Unfortunately, it is an all to common story. Fortunately, there is a relatively easy solution for those who are motivated to change their mindset and take a hold of the direction their life takes and therefore the impact they have in the world.
This solution involves becoming crystal clear about what you stand for in this world (articulating values). It means taking the time to reflect on and declare your life’s purpose (the purpose may be a constant evolution and some may use different terminology). It involves articulating your vision (for some this is not necessary…they are driven by purpose and values). It involves identifying alive action steps that are in alignment with your values, purpose and vision; these steps are oftentimes very different than the typical steps you might take to create a different life for yourself. It involves being courageous enough to express your unique self and gifts in the world. (more on this in another post).
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us…(Marianne Williamson).”
For some, taking the time to reflect on our light and how to translate this into action in our lives, it may seem like an unnecessary waste of time. However, I’ve used this process with hundreds of clients and I have applied it to myself as well. Most of my clients find it a transformative experience that places them consciously back on their most alive path. They become beacons of light and aliveness! This has certainly been true for me as well. Articulating my values and purpose completely changed (and continues to push me to change) the way I live my life. For an example of this, see my blog post on “Burning Man 2017 Radical Ritual: Lessons Learned”.
“The journey of self-authority begins in the immediate moment with the decision to take #responsibility for the authorship of one’s own life (http://twitter.com/kkimseyhouse).”
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If you are interested in working with me, please complete a needs assessment form HERE and schedule a free 30-minute strategy session about taking your life and work to a new level. In this call, I’ll recommend strategies for you to move forward. These strategies will be based on what you share with me in our conversation. We can also discuss working together.
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